12 min readJun 19, 2020


Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unsplash

The world we live in is a hurt and corrupt one. The cost of living has increased in price. War is common. Water rises. Cities burn down. Innocents die. Famines plague nations. All for profit and imperialism.

Politicians are so easily swayed with money from rich corporations and their executives so that they can continue to pay nothing in taxes, continue to hide their carbon footprints, continue to fund wars for even more profit. All while millions struggle to make ends meet and strive for a better life.

A good education is a luxury, healthy food alternatives are a luxury, healthcare is a luxury, affordable housing is a luxury. The basic needs of humanity are now becoming a luxury.

If a man has enough wealth to solve, not only our nation’s problems, but the world’s problems and still be one of the richest men alive, then it is unacceptable for him to stand by as the world dies around him; however, that man is not the only one. And if there is more than one person who holds that power, then it is also unacceptable for those powerful people to stand by.

These merely scratch the surface of the crises plaguing the world, but the enemy behind them is the same.

One percent of the population owns ninety-nine percent of the wealth, with the other ninety-nine owning the final one percent of the wealth. That wealth must be evenly distributed.

That wealth will not pamper us but save us; healthcare will become universal, education free, housing affordable, the environment prosperous. If not, then the world will continue the path of death that it has lain before it.

Companies pay the politicians, they get away with polluting, overcharging for medicine, university, shelter. There will be people killed for their race. The climate will continue to change, water will rise, we will lose resources, wars will be fought for what is left, innocents will be caught in the crossfire whether it be from guns, starvation, disaster, etc.

This is a call for action. It is up to the ninety-nine percent to combat against the one for if they do not want to defend this world and the people in it, it is then our job to do so.

If you plan to fight the status quo and those in power, you will either be labeled lesser than them or their enemy. If you truly want to fight the corruption and hate brought upon the world, then congratulations, you are their enemy.

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

There is a hierarchy with how the world is run. At the top is the rich; they hold most if not all the power. Power over politics, paying lobbyists to persuade legislators to enact laws that support their causes. The more lobbyists fighting for their causes, the more likely that those laws are put in play (ex. fossil fuel industry getting away with polluting the environment or the prison industry being able to receive and treat inmates inhumanely because of relaxed laws passed by legislation.)

The rich also find gateways for tax breaks and other forms of not paying their fair share by putting money toward the campaigns of politicians who are easily susceptible to change the laws in favor of getting the position that they desire. The money they pay those politicians for their tax breaks and ideas being put into the law is only a fraction of what they would have to pay if they were paying their fair share; essentially paying millions to save billions and, in some cases, trillions.

Tax breaks and saving money are not the only things the rich want. If a politician’s ideals reflect the ones shared by a person of wealth, then that rich person will put money towards that politician’s endeavors. For example, if a wealthy person does not like how people are free to get birth control, abortions or things of that nature, then they will put money towards a politician who also does not support those people seeking those forms of contraceptives and wants to make it harder for them to receive them. Another example could be if the owner of a prison wants to fill that prison with more inmates, in this certain case let’s say minority inmates, so that they can receive more money to keep it open, they will pay a politician to make laws that attack low-income communities so that more minorities are put in that prison. Both of those issues are not just hypothetical, these issues that are occurring in the United States today.

Whether it be immigration, gay marriage, equal pay, drug legalization, anything that rich person of wealth finds undesirable is being fought for, they will find a way to get a like-minded politician in office to keep those ideas at bay. This is how personal prejudices such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, religious persecution are being brought into politics. They use that influence they must push their own personal goals instead of making a positive impact on this world; goals that, in some cases, are hurting this world, stopping the progression toward peace and saving it.

Using wealth and power to fuel personal vendettas while disaster, havoc and other such things occur around the world shows how selfish. Donations do not make a dent in the massive sums of money they have and if anything, shows how indulgent the one is with the material and the image of oneself to the world. They want to be kings, sometimes even gods among men, and to remedy the crises of the world would lower themselves to the lives of the ninety-nine. We are used to keeping the rich in the positions they are in now by purchasing and consuming the products they give us; almost no flaw can stop their wealth from increasing and controversy only brings in more attention to who they are.

They participate in wars by supplying weapons and funds that destroy the lives of innocent people on a daily basis. Countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia are able to continue their acts on neighboring countries Yemen and Palestine with backing from the United States and select countries in Europe. Despite the backlash, they continue to fuel these crimes to this very day.

Photo by Sophie Keen on Unsplash

The second level of this hierarchy is the politicians themselves. There are those politicians that truly do fight for and have good relations with the people; however, there is a vast majority that gladly takes that money. They want the power that comes with getting all that money and the position it will give them. It is hard to bite the hand that feeds you. Money and power are being abused at the expense of the people that put these politicians in office in the first place. No matter who elects them, politicians have an agenda given to them by the rich that they must keep up with that have been. These politicians will campaign for a leader who wants to keep them in their positions of power, to gain even more if possible. With the support of corrupt politicians and funding from corrupt corporations, the leader put in place will abuse this power to gain control of the functions of the country in order to gain more power and money for the rich. Together they become this titan of evil.

These politicians are only able to get into office because they have the policies that the one wants to be put in place. Racists vote for racists, homophobes for homophobes, so on and so forth. These people are at fault just like the ones who are ruling over them. You cannot change their minds or their ideologies. They will hate until they are dead in the ground. They are the enemy as well. We cannot negotiate with them, teach them, or reason with them. People have tried for decades with little to no progress, therefore we cannot rely on changing their minds to help our movement.

Fair and just politicians do not have power. They are labeled as radicals or threats to the status quo when the status quo is causing more harm than good; they are mocked and posed as the most foolish options to lead our countries. The corrupt politicians make up this rhetoric so that others do not see the positive outcome to change. This paired along with the mass following and influence the one has over the ninety-nine, the one gets to do as they please. They are loved and thus protected by their image. Because of this, the security they have, both physical and financial, is difficult to break down. Anywhere in the world they are protected, they are wealthy, they are selfish, they are greedy, they are nearly invincible.

Photo by Nathan DeFiesta on Unsplash

The third layer to this hierarchy is celebrities. They cannot see through the lies of corruption or benefit from those lies. Very few will join this fight. Just as the rich think so, the world is fine to these traitors of humanity. They receive a mere crumb of what the one percent allows them to have and they are content with the world. They just take, consume, indulge to their hearts’ content while the others suffer. The rich and the traitors they have with them are only looking after their own. Occasional donations and appearances to appease the people for a short time. It is the image they put out that keeps them from being held accountable for their actions. They become household names and the power that comes with those names is what stops the people from seeing that no rich person is truly benevolent. Greed, one of the biggest flaws of man, is what drives the rich and the ones who wish to be like them. There is this want to have more just for the sake of luxury. The rich are just lackadaisically living, showing off prospects they have just for the sake of it. They are comfortable and do not want this world to change. If we make the one percent pay their share, the over-indulgent will have to pay as well. There cannot be any exceptions or there will be no progress.

To seize the wealth is to seize the power. Bringing power to the majority will free the people, but it is how we use that power that makes us different from them. We must take accountability for our actions and care for our world. We address the problems that plague the common people and tend to the damage the rich wreaked upon the old world. The only thing stopping us from seizing our salvation is unity. The ninety-nine is in the process of uniting to have a chance against the one. We are beginning to stop fighting amongst ourselves, stopped bickering over problems while the one becomes richer and richer at our expense. We now see that the money the rich hold is blood money, soaked in the blood of those hurt by the suffering caused by their carelessness.

Photo by Mitchel Lensink on Unsplash

In order to have a chance at defeating corruption, prejudice must be thrown out. We have done well to unify to demand justice for our brothers and sisters who have been killed by the corruption of this country whether it be the countless black and brown bodies killed by the police, the thousands of immigrants being taken by ICE, the countless women being assaulted nationwide or the gay and trans people being targeted daily; we demand just for all of them. People of all backgrounds are coming together whether it be black people, white people, Latin people, Asian people, LBGTQA+ people; we are all beginning to see that the enemy is not ourselves, but the prejudices that the rich and ruling class have put into our communities. We have all banded together to demand reform on all levels of government and justice for those for were failed by the system; we have made footing.

To have this unity last, we cannot fight amongst ourselves any longer. Our problems are systematic and formulated to keep us down as we are exploited through our beliefs, health, education, and housing. If we set differences aside, unlearn toxic tendencies and realize that the true enemy is killing us off, then we will realize that we must band together in order to change the current world.

Apart from unity, the other main problem is the connection to the world as it is. If things are to become different, then the world will have to change. Capitalism must be thrown away in order for us to make progress. There would be a change in how people lived. There would be riots, protests, demonstrations, attacks on the rich that would affect the lives of the everyday person. Martial law, curfew, would become common practice and any defiance would be labeled a threat to national security. The police will no longer protect and serve but oppress and enforce. It has already happened with the protests for the arrest of the killers of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Our battle will become a fight; we will have to literally attack the rich if we wish to make an impact we must attack economically, politically, socially. All ground must be covered. Without civil unrest, no change can happen. We would have to endure much in order to move the cause.

This fight, however, will not be one where blood will be sought. The goal is overtaking the one and saving this world. Our cause is one that defends. We defend the people, we defend the world. We do not act on violent urges but we will retaliate against any transgressions against those fighting for a chance of a just tomorrow. We boycott those companies that actively support politicians that promote bigoted ideas and assist those who will go hungry or ill without the services provided by those companies. Looking after our own is the first step to unifying and standing up to corruption and greed.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Our liberation will be the fire that ignites change in the world that needs to begin to heal. Countries will finally provide aid to those who need them like Yemen, Palestine, and Somalia who are being exploited for their resources during times of war. Mothers and fathers cannot provide for their starving children. Children have lost their parents and must take care of their younger siblings. There is a shortage of food and clean water in all those countries while the climate crisis has wreaked havoc in Somalia. They require our help more than ever now. We must hold countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia accountable for the atrocities they have brought upon the innocent people in these countries so they are not incorrectly labeled as humanitarian crises. They are caused by greed and prejudice. Any other label is false.

We will be able to stop deforestation which will help indigenous cultures, who are the ones who are directly affected by the climate crisis, and their lands. They will be able to prosper without interference from outside and harmful forces who look to profit off of their native lands. If all goes well, reparations will be given to those who have been oppressed for hundreds of years, and land can be returned/given to the descendants of those who have suffered.

Wealth will be redistributed from war and the militarization of the police to cities across the United States that require it. We will be able to give places like Flint, Michigan clean pipes and water. Healthcare for all is achievable. Housing for all is achievable. Education for all is achievable.

There will be organizers, there will be protesters, there will be writers, there will be protectors, there will be those who will do what they can during this fight.

We are fighting for justice. We fight for reform. We fight for clean water. We fight for clean air. We fight for acceptance. We fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

We are enemies to hate. We are enemies of discrimination. We are enemies to corporations. We are enemies of ignorance. We are enemies of corruption. We are enemies of war.

We are the change. We are the enemy.




Essays about the philosophical and spiritual wondering of life. Informing the world of ways we can heal it.